Damaged Warp Drive | Hindrance | | | |
This ship's warp drive has sustained damage over the course of its lifetime. Unless the Warp Drive is replaced, the ship is only able to travel in the warp for 24 hours, before having to leave the warp and cooling the drive for at least 24 hours.
Complicated | Hindrance | | | |
Ship was repaired many many times and its subsystems are interlaced and confused.
Complicated: Repair checks are at a -2 penalty and all multi-action penalties are doubled when using the ship.
Heavy Flamer (Power Armor Mount) | Power Armor Weapon | | | 0 |
HW, may set targets on fire.
Notes: 1/2 damage penetrates all armor.
Notes: A flame weapon can be directed at an armored foe to ablate the armor.
Ablative: Make a shooting roll against an individual, instead of dealing damage, the target's armor is reduced by 1/2 of the damage done.
Light Auto-Cannon (Power Armor Mount) | Power Armor Weapon | | | 1 |
AP 4, HW, Reaction Fire. Up to 20mm rounds. Vehicular
Light Lance (Power Armor Mount) | Power Armor Weapon | | | 1 |
AP 5, HW, Reaction Fire. Vehicular
Storm Bolter (Power Armor Mount) | Power Armor Weapon | | | 0 |
Ammo 10, all same type, assumed Rocket unless otherwise told.
• Armor Piercing (Kraken Pattern Penetrator Rounds): Damage 2d6, AP 10, HW.
• Boomer (Metal Storm Frag Shells): Damage 5d6, LBT, HW. Boomers have a minimum arming distance of 20” (40 yards) and can only be used in rifles.
• Heat Seeker: Damage 3d6. Use the rules for missiles (see Savage Worlds), except the attacker uses Shooting and the defender uses Agility.
• Hellfire Rounds: Damage 2d6, AP 4. An organic defender must make a vigor check at a -4. A failure increases the damage to 6d6.
• Inferno Bolts: Damage 3d6, AP 4. The weapon has the “Fire” trapping.
• Fatigue: A heat trapping on an attack forces the victim to make a Vigor roll or suffer Fatigue.
• Flammable: With a hit by a fire power, roll for any potentially flammable objects to catch fire (see page 83). For a heat trapping, liquids on the target (water, potions, etc.) evaporate on a 6 on a d6 with a success or a 4–6 on a raise.
• Odysseus Bolts: Damage 2d6, AP 8, HW, Trackable.
• Psycannon Bolts: Damage 2d6, AP 4. Against Psychic or Daemonic Targets 8d6 AP 6.
• Rocket: Damage 3d6, HW. The basic line-of-sight projectile tipped with a microexplosive warhead.
• Standard Bolts: Damage 4d6, AP 4
• Stalker Silenced Shells: Damage 2d6, AP 4, HW. The attack can fire these weapons while hidden without a penalty to her stealth check.
Grenade Launcher (Power Armor Mount) | Power Armor Weapon | | | 0 |
20 shots, assumed all are Fragmentation unless otherwise specified.
• EMP: Electromagnetic pulse grenades knock out all electronic devices in a Medium Burst Template. For constructs, power armor, or shielded devices, roll 3d6 nonlethal damage against base Toughness (no Armor).
• Fragmentation: Damage 3d6. HW, LBT.
• Smoke: Creates an area of smoke in a LBT that obscures vision (–4). For double the price, the smoke also contains particles that halve the damage from energy weapons.
• Thermal: Damage 3d10. HW, SBT, may set targets on fre. Ignores all but sealed armor.
Destroyer Power Armor (Read First) | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
This armor contains customizable weapon slots. The armor only has 2 weapons at a time. Only one weapon can be vehicular.
Brothers Fists Power Armor (Read First) | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
This armor contains customizable weapon slots. The armor only has 2 weapons at a time. Only one weapon can be vehicular.
Inferno Power Armor (Read First) | Power Armor Mod | | | 0 |
This armor contains customizable weapon slots. The armor can only have 1 weapons at a time.
Anti-Personnel System | Power Armor Weapon | | | 1 |
When activated (a free action via voice
command), detonation packs atached to the suit explode in a Large
Burst Template around the armor, causing 5d6 damage (the blast is
shaped away from the suit so the wearer suffers only half damage).
Wearers are advised to use this only as a last resort. Shrapnel pack
reloads cost $1000, weigh 10 lb, and take one hour to install.
Armor (Power Armor) | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Adds +2 Heavy Armor each time this Modifcation is taken.
Power Armor: All armor is considered heavy.
Command Pack | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
A well-designed suite of HUD apps and sensors
to constantly monitor up to 100 team members within twenty miles.
This extends the user’s Command Range to all those in contact. The
Command Pack requires the Sensor Suite Modifcation frst.
Flight | Power Armor Mod | | | 3 |
The suit has expandable wings and thrusters for VTOL flight
at a Pace of 6” and a Climb of 0. Each time it’s taken doubles previous
Pace or increases Climb by 1.
Jump Pack | Power Armor Mod | | | 2 |
The user can jump up to 2× the suit’s Pace horizontally
or 1× Pace vertically.
Magnetic Pads | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
The soles and palms of the suit are fited with
powerful magnets, allowing the wearer to walk up or cling to metal
surfaces at full Pace. These are most often used in zero-g to allow
marines to atach to ship’s hulls or walkways.
Pace | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Powerful motors in the leg joints combine with gyroscopic
stabilizers to increase Pace by +2 and the running die to d10. Each
enhancement after the first only increases Pace by +2.
Power Pack | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Additional power cells add another 72 hours of energy.
Propulsion Jets | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Small propulsion jets allow the character to move
in vacuum or water at 6”. The jets provide no benefts outside these
Self-Sealing | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
The suit automatically seals minor breaches (the user
suffers one or two wounds) with a fast-hardening sealant. This is critical
when operating in a vacuum. If the wearer suffers three or more wounds
from a single atack, however, the suit cannot seal and is breached.
Sensor Suite (Power Armor) | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
An array of various sensors extends the suit’s +2 bonus
to visual and aural Notice rolls to 500 yards.
Signal Booster | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Increases communication range to 500 miles.
Stealth System (Power Armor) | Power Armor Mod | | | 3 |
This thin and pliable piezoelectric material combines
chameleon-like visual skin with heat bafes, radar scramblers, and
other devices to make the suit difcult to detect by vision or sensors.
Those trying to atack or detect the suit subtract 4 from their rolls against
it. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in
which the user fres a weapon or emits some other non-cloakable signal
such as radio broadcasts or active sensor searches.
Strength Enhancement | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Increases Strength by one die type each time it's taken. After d12, add +1 per servo (d12+1, d12+2, etc).
Targeting System | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
An integrated system connects to all personal and
weapon mounts to compensate for movement, range, multi-actions, and
the like. This negates up to two points of the user's Shooting penalties.
Trauma System | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
Automated systems within the suit are loaded with
minor antibiotics, stimulants, and anesthetics designed to keep a soldier
alive after suffering trauma. It has a d8 Healing and adds +2 to recover
from being Shaken and resisting Bleeding Out.
Weapon Mount | Power Armor Mod | | | 1 |
A single mount can hold any one personal weapon
up to 100 pounds, or one Mod point of vehicular weaponry. Two
shoulder mounts can be combined into a central weapon mount over the
user’s head to hold a vehicle weapon with a Mod cost of 2. The user may
fire mounted and personal weapons at standard multi-action penalties
(but see Targeting System). Weaponry is purchased separately.
Weapon Mounts are additional to weapons held in hands.
Tellyport Blasta | Vehicle Weapon | | | 2 |
Roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, you choose a location within 30 feet to place the target. On a 3 or 4, the location is random. On a 5, the location is choosen by the target. On a 6 the target doesn't move, add one heat token.
Self Destruct | Power Armor Weapon | | | 0 |
Sometimes things go wrong. You are not sure what it was, but something broke, and now it is too late to make a difference. Everything in the blast radius takes the damage. This is not activated.
Kombi-Weapon (Shoota) | Vehicle Weapon | | | 1 | |
Kombi-Weapon (Rokkit Launcha) | Vehicle Weapon | | | 0 |
Armor Piercing: Damage 2d6, AP 10, HW.
Boomer: Damage 5d6, LBT, HW. Boomers have a minimum arming distance of 20” (40 yards) and can only be used in rifles.
Hellfire Rounds: Damage 2d6, AP 4. An organic defender must make a vigor check at a -4. A failure increases the damage to 6d6.
Rocket: Damage 3d6, HW. The basic line-of-sight projectile tipped with a microexplosive warhead.
Standard Bolts: Damage 4d6, AP 4
Power Klaw | Vehicle Weapon | | | 2 |
Raises: A raise on the attack adds additional d10s instead of d6s.
Aircraft, Anti-Grav | Mod | | | 2 |
Ultra Tech. The vehicle is an aircraft
powered by anti-gravitic propulsion. It can hover or fly, and has a
Acc/TS of 30/100 and Climb of 2.
Aircraft, Helicopter | Mod | | | Half Size |
The vehicle is a helicopter. It can hover or
fly, and has a Acc/TS 10/80 and a Climb of –1.
Aircraft, Jet Plane | Mod | | | Half Size |
Jet planes are Acc/TS 50/600, Climb 2. They
must move at least half their Top Speed each round or go Out of
Control (they stall). The Speed Mod increases Acc by 10 instead of
5 and Top Speed by 100 instead of 10.
Aircraft, Propeller Plane | Mod | | | Half Size |
A traditional prop plane. Acc/TS
20/150, Climb 1. Planes must move at least half their Top Speed each
round or go Out of Control (they stall). The Speed Mod increases
Top Speed by 50 instead of 10.
AMCM | Mod | | | 1 |
Anti-Missile Counter Measures are integrated jammers
and decoys. They add +2 to Driving, Piloting or Knowledge
(Electronics) rolls made to evade missile atacks (and Tractor Beams).
Amphibious | Mod | | | 1 |
The vehicle may move at half Acc/Top Speed while in water.
Armor | Mod | | | 1 |
Increases a vehicle’s Armor value by +2. Armor +4
and higher is considered Heavy Armor. Vehicular Armor can also
be front-loaded if desired. If so, each level of Armor increases the
front armor by +3, side and top armor by +2, and rear and botom
Armor by +1. In the Chase rules, an atacker with Advantage and
a Jack or higher can target the side armor, and one with a King or
higher can target the rear.
Starships: All armor is considered heavy.
Artificial Intelligence | Mod | | | * |
The vehicle’s AI can operate all systems—
from driving to weapons. It has a skill level of d10 in these tasks,
but is an “Extra” and does not receive a Wild Die. The AI does not
suffer from multi-action penalties if given simultaneous tasks. In
combat, the AI acts on the driver’s Action Card. Giving the AI a
short verbal command is a free action.
Atmospheric | Mod | | | Half Size |
Allows the ship to enter planetary atmospheres.
This includes heat shielding and additional work to handle the stress
and strain of entry. All starships have vertical take-off and landing
(VTOL) capability.
Bomb Bay | Mod | | | 1 |
Each bomb bay may drop up to four Small, 2 Medium,
or 1 Large (or larger) bomb per round at no penalty. All use the same
atack roll. Dropping bombs uses the Knowledge (Bombardier) skill.
Boosters | Mod | | | 1 |
Nitrous oxide or other propellants double a vehicle’s
Acceleration and Top Speed for a round. Each booster has six uses
before it must be replaced. Their effects do not stack. Reflls cost
$100 per booster.
Climb | Mod | | | 1 |
Aircraft only. The vehicle’s Climb is increased by 1.
Crew Reduction | Mod | | | * |
Add 1 Mod slot for every four crewman deducted (round up).
Crew Space | Mod | | | 1 |
Space for four additional crew or passengers.
Deflector Screens (Vehicle) | Mod | | | 2 |
The vehicle is protected by an energy feld
that deflects incoming ballistic atacks (it has no effect against
lasers). Atackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls.
Deflector Screens (Small to Large) | Mod | | | 2 |
The vehicle is protected by an energy feld
that deflects incoming ballistic atacks (it has no effect against
lasers). Atackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls.
Deflector Screens (Huge to Gargantuan) | Mod | | | 3 |
The vehicle is protected by an energy feld
that deflects incoming ballistic atacks (it has no effect against
lasers). Atackers must subtract –2 from their Shooting rolls.
Hanger | Mod | | | 4 |
A small hangar (or garage or external lift-hooks)
that can carry up to 8 Size points of ships, vehicles, or walkers; but
each item can be no larger than half the ship’s Size.
Ejection System | Mod | | | Half Size |
Should a vehicle suffer a Wrecked result,
crew members may make Agility rolls at –4 (or no penalty if an
individual was on Hold or hasn’t acted yet that round). Failure
results in damage as usual and failure to eject that round. Those
who succeed are launched into the air and descend safely via
parachute. The system covers all passengers and crew.
Electromagnetic Shielding | Mod | | | 2 |
Adds +6 to the vehicle’s effective
Toughness from EMP missiles (see page 25, Savage World Science Fiction Compendium).
Hack Resistant: Add 5 to the vehicles Hack Hardiness.
Exposed Crew | Mod | | | 0 |
Motorcycles and other “ridden” vehicles offer
no protection for their passengers. Crew get no Armor bonus
should it sustain a Crew critical hit.
Fixed | Mod | | | 0 |
“Fixed” weapons cannot rotate. On the table-top, they
have a 45° fring arc. In the Chase rules, fxed weapons may only
fire when the vehicle has Advantage and an Action Card of Jack or
higher. Total all like Fixed weapons first, then halve their combined
Mod cost.
Four Wheel Drive | Mod | | | 1 |
Ignore Driving penalties for difcult terrain.
On the table-top, treat each inch of difcult terrain as 1.5” instead
of 2”.
Handling | Mod | | | 1 |
The vehicle is precision crafted and very maneuverable. This adds +1 to Driving rolls per level.
Hover Vehicle | Mod | | | Size |
The vehicle uses hover fans instead of wheels.
It ignores difcult terrain modifers and obstacles less than a yard
tall. Round Mod cost up. The Ultra Tech version uses anti-grav. It
doubles the cost but halves the Mod cost.
Linked | Mod | | | 0 |
Weapons of the same type may be dual or quad linked
and fred as one (triple linked is ineffective). Dual linked weapons
add +1 to hit and +2 damage; quad linked weapons add +2 to hit
and +4 damage. Total all Linked weapons in a set frst, then halve
their required Mods. (If Linking Fixed weapons, halve the total.)
Living Space | Mod | | | 3 |
Living Space (Special): Large or greater vehicles only. The vehicle
has an extended superstructure with bunk beds, personal storage
bins for up to four individuals, and one shared bathroom and
kitchenete (regardless of how many times this is taken) for longterm travel.
The superstructure decreases overall Toughness by 1
each time it’s taken. The limit is half the vehicle’s base Toughness.
Luxury Features | Mod | | | 1 |
Typically reserved for civilian vehicles, luxury
features include music systems, minibars, video screens, and other
comforts. The larger the vehicle, the more extravagant the features.
Missle Launcher | Mod | | | 1 |
Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or
AT) missiles to be fred at once.
Missle Launcher | Mod | | | 1 |
Allows up to four Light or two Heavy (or
AT) missiles to be fred at once.
Reinforced Chassis | Mod | | | 1 |
Increases Toughness of the chassis by +1.
Sensor Suite | Mod | | | 1 |
Optical, chemical, motion,
and other active sensors ignore illumination
penalties and add +2 to Notice rolls made
to detect designated types of targets such
as biological beings, chemical signatures,
metal, etc. The targets do not have to be
visible, though dense materials may cause
inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s
discretion. Range of 500 yards.
Sensor Suite, Galactic | Mod | | | 2 |
Light, chemical, motion, and other active
sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a
Knowledge (Electronics) roll. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to
the roll. Illumination penalties are ignored. Targets don’t have to be in
direct line of sight, but asteroid or powerful energy felds may cause
inaccurate or false readings at the GM’s discretion.
Shields | Mod | | | Half Size |
The vehicle is protected by an ablative energy feld
that absorbs 10 x Size points of damage before it’s depleted. Apply
all damage to the shield first. Active shields detonate missiles and torpedoes
before they hit, reducing their damage total by half. A vehicle may
regenerate its Size in shield points if it makes no atacks in a round.
Sloped Armor | Mod | | | 2 |
The vehicle’s armor is sloped in such a way that
shots are often deflected off its surface. Atackers subtract 2 to hit
with direct-fire, non-energy weapons.
Speed | Mod | | | 2 |
Increases the vehicle’s Acceleration by 5 and Top Speed
by 10. (This cannot be taken with Speed Reduction.)
Speed Reduction | Mod | | | * |
The vehicle sacrifces power and speed for
additional room. Subtract 1 from Acceleration and 2 from Top
Speed each time this is taken to gain half Size in Mod slots.
Stealth System | Mod | | | Size |
Radar-absorbing paint, heat bafes, scramblers,
and other devices make the vehicle difcult to detect by vision or
sensors. Those trying to atack or spot the vehicle subtract 4 from
their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any
round in which the vehicle fres a weapon or emits some other noncloakable signal such as radio signal, movement, or active sensor
Targeting System | Mod | | | 1 |
The vehicle's computer is linked to all atached
weapons. This compensates for movement, range, multi-actions,
and the like, negating up to two points of Shooting penalties. This
does not assist the firing of passenger's personal weapons.
Tracked | Mod | | | * |
The vehicle has tracks instead of wheels and can climb
over small obstacles. This reduces Acc by 2 and TS by 5, and ignores
Driving penalties for difcult terrain. On the table-top, every inch
of movement is treated as 1.5”.
Watercraft | Mod | | | * |
The vehicle has tracks instead of wheels and can climb
over small obstacles. This reduces Acc by 2 and TS by 5, and ignores
Driving penalties for difcult terrain. On the table-top, every inch
of movement is treated as 1.5”.
Vindicator Lancer | Vehicle Weapon | | | 5 |
Medium Autocannon | Vehicle Weapon | | | 1 |
Flame Thrower | Vehicle Weapon | | | 2 |
Bike Autocannon (Primary Weapon) | Vehicle Weapon | | | 1 |
Bike Cannon (Secondary Weapon) | Vehicle Weapon | | | 2 |
Heavy D-Scythe | Weapon | | | 4 |
D-Scythes or Distortion Scythes are advanced Eldar Vortex Weapons. Considered a sinister and taboo weapon, D-Scythes can rip the soul of an enemy from their body and banish it to the Warp. When fired, a D-Scythe emits no visible blast and leaves behind no damage, save the motionless corpse of those targeted. D-Scythes are normally wielded by Wraithguards in place of their Wraithcannons.
The Eldar call the act of separating the spirit from its body 'Cutting of the Crone's Cord', for in Eldar lore a strand ties the soul of a being to its material form. Tradition has it that only the Crone Goddess Morai-Heg herself has the right to sever this connection, for a mortal doing so is merely playing god. However as the desperate situation for the Eldar continues, more militant Autarchs are calling for more frequent deployment of these taboo weapons.
Fixed Scatter Laser (Linked) | Weapon | | | 3 |
Fixed Scatter Laser (Rapid Fire) | Weapon | | | 0 |
This is an alternate fire for the Fixed Scatter Laster.
Twin Linked Pulse Laser | Weapon | | | 4 |
4 x Ship Missile Tubes | Weapon | | | 2 |
| Range | Damage | Notes |
Missile, Heavy / AT |
200/400/800 |
8d6 |
AP 15, HW, MBT. |
Missile, Anti-Tank |
100/200/400 |
6d6 |
AP 25, HW, MBT. |
Allows up to four Heavy (or AT) missiles to be fired at once.
Believe in Her, Praise Her, Take Care of Her and She Will Repay | Ship Past | | | |
Through all the years this ship as always been on the good side of the engagement, or at least it is what the crew was led to believe. Either through clever manipulation, real feats of war or a given saint's flag ship, the crew as developed a fanatical relationship with the ship. They believe the ship to be an extension or at the very least under the protection of a saint or even the Emperor himself. What can sometime be looked upon as borderline heretical worshiping of the starship as created a fanatical crew that believe the starship immune to the dangers of the galaxy. No captain would refuse such a crew willingly.
The crew goes beyond the call to protect the ship covering critical system with their own body, taking all out suicidal risk to repair critical ship part during combat.
Bonus: +10 crew moral, 30% chance damage to a subsystem is mitigated. If this happens 1d4% crew population loss, crew losses in this way increases morale by the same percentage. Increase all other losses to the crew by an additional 1d4%.
Reliquary of Mars | Ship Past | | | |
Somehow, this vessel has been outftted with ancient archaeo-tech systems from mankind’s
forgotten past. When constructing this vessel, players must select 1 Archeotech Component of their choice. However,
any Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship suffer a 4, due to the highly complex nature of the machinery. Additionally,
the tech priests of Mars regard the vessel as holy, or at least having holy components. Some may petition to visit the
vessel, others may want it for themselves.
Haunted | Ship Past | | | |
Some nameless horror haunts this vessel’s past, leaving voidsmen to whisper stories of ghosts wandering
through the corridors and cabins. Reduce Morale permanently by 10. However, strange premonitions flicker on the
auger arrays, granting a +6 to the ship’s Detection. Additionally, all non-crewmembers suffer –5 to Command Tests
involving boarding actions or hit and run actions against the haunted vessel. The presence of these spirits may cause
many other issues, depending on their origins and how they came to haunt the vessel (something the GM should
Emissary of the Imperator | Ship Past | | | |
The vessel is a veritable monument to the power and grandeur of the God-Emperor’s
might. Awe-inspiring and terrible, it lacks subtlety. All Intimidate Tests made by characters from this vessel gain +4,
while all other social Skill Tests suffer a –2. These bonuses and penalties only apply if the character is known to be
from the vessel. In addition, few will be able to see beyond the symbolism of the vessel—xenos see a threat, faithful
Imperial citizens see a symbol of civilisation (or possibly chastisement), and heretics and rebels see a hated foe. Their
reactions will be coloured accordingly.
Turbulent Past | Ship Past | | | |
Over the years this ship has been used to perform deeds dastardly to some and heroic to others. The
GM selects a social group (pirates, heretics, the Imperial Navy, the Inquisition, or inhabitants of an important locale
like Footfall). All ship’s crew suffer a –4 to social Skill Tests when interacting with that group. The GM then selects
a second group naturally opposed to the frst. All ship’s crew gain +4 to social Skills when interacting with that
group. The additional problems that could arise from being hated by a particular group of people are limitless.
Wrested from a Space Hulk | Ship Past | | | |
The ship has been recovered from a space hulk - a mass of wrecked ships that drifts
intermittently through the warp and realspace. The ship is very old (and thus of high quality), but those who know of
its origins whisper that it is cursed. The ship gains +2 Toughness, +1 Speed, and +3 Manoeuvrability. However, every
time the crew suffers a Misfortune, the GM rolls twice and chooses the worse of the two. The curse can have many
other effects as well, many ill, but a truly skilled Rogue Trader can turn any situation to proft...
Temperamental Warp Engine | Ship Past | | | |
The ship suffers a flutter in its Warp Engines, an inconsistency that no amount
of maintenance or supplication can eliminate. Whenever the ship travels through the immaterium, the GM should
roll 1d10. On a 6 or lower, the journey takes an additional 1d5 weeks, on a 7 or higher, the travel time is reduced
1d5 weeks instead (potentially causing the ship to arrive before it left!). However, once in a great while, the ship
will leave the warp to unexpectedly and itself someplace other than its intended destination. (This is at the GM’s
discretion, but should not happen on a regular basis.)
Finances in Arrears | Ship Past | | | |
The ship was purchased with borrowed funds. The money could have come from a criminal
organisation, influential noble, or even a member of the Inquisition—but no matter the source, the debt must be
repaid. Whenever the crew attempts to complete an Endeavour’s Objective, they must accumulate an additional 50
Acheivement Points to accomplish the Objective. However, the ship’s financier supports his investment by providing
aid and information. All crew can count their financier as a reliable contact. Additionally, their creditor may require
the crew to perform specifc missions that they are in no position to refuse.
Xenophilous | Ship Past | | | |
Xenophilous: Through dealings with some xenos race, this vessel has been outftted with examples of their
blasphemous technology. When constructing this vessel, players must select 1 Xenotech Component of their choice.
However, any Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship suffer a -4, due to the strange and blasphemous nature of the
machinery. Should the character attempting the repairs have Forbidden Lore (Xenos), the penalty is only –2. Also,
the forces of the Ordo Xenos have an interest in the vessel and who controls it.
Death Cult | Ship Past | | | |
Amongst the low-decks indentured crew, strange perversions of the Imperial Creed have arisen,
glorifying death to celebrate the Emperor. Reduce Crew Population permanently by 8. However, reduce all Morale
loss from any source by 2, due to the crew’s unwavering faith. Additionally, ship offcers and members of the
Ministorum will have to deal warily with the cult and its leaders. Death cults do produce skilled assassins...
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing | Ship Past | | 2 | |
Beneath this vessel’s unassuming exterior is a dangerous spacefaring predator. The
captain selects three Components. When scanned or subjected to anything but a thorough internal inspection, these
components will either not register on the scans, or appear to be a different Component of the same type. Thus, the
ship might hide additional armour plating, or a small macrobattery may be much more powerful than it appears.
However, the ship suffers –2 Power to maintain the systems creating the illusion. The ship may also have concealed
smuggling compartments, unseen passageways, hidden cogitation-override programming, or other secrets.
A Nose for Trouble | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
Something about this ship quivers at the thought of battle, always probing the cosmos for a new
victim. Add +5 to the ship’s Detection, and reduce this ship’s Toughness by 3, due to its many battles. Occasionally, the
crew may fnd themselves in fights they might have preferred to avoid.
Martial Hubris | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
The ship has a glorious legacy of warfare and triumphant combats. It is always eager to fght, and
unwilling to back down. The ship gains +2 to all Shooting Skill Tests to fire its weapons, but suffers –4 on any Pilot
(Space Craft) Tests made to escape combat.
Blasphemous Tendencies | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
Some unidentifable aspect of this vessel’s spirit resonates sympathetically with the
Immaterium. Captains fnd this ship swims through the warp more easily, as if it was more at home there... All
Navigation Tests made to pilot this vessel through the warp gain a +4 bonus. However, while aboard the ship, all
crew suffer –2 to Willpower based Tests.
Rebellious | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
This vessel does not suffer authority willingly. At times is seems to take pleasure in interfering with the
plans of its masters. During no more than one space combat per game session, the GM should randomly select one of
the ship’s Components that becomes unpowered until repaired. However, whenever the ship suffers a wound (for
any reason) roll 1d10. On a 10, the wound effect is ignored.
Stoic | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
The vessel behaves like a beast of burden, plodding but reliable. Due to its somewhat plodding behaviour,
whenever the crew would gain Proft Factor from an Endeavour, reduce the amount gained by 1. However, whenever
one of the ship’s Component’s becomes damaged or unpowered, roll 1d10. On a 7 or higher, the ship shrugs off the
damage and it is ignored.
Skittish | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
The ship fears battle, bucking against its masters when entering the fray. When in combat, reduce the ship’s
Speed by 1 step. However, when not in danger, it runs eagerly and fast. Reduce the travel time for any long distance
(between stars) voyage by 1d5 weeks, to a minimum of 1.
Adventurous | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
The vessel is eager to seek new horizons, to turn its bow from civilisation and delve into the darkness
of the unknown. When participating in an Endeavour the ship gains +10 Detection, when not participating in an
Endeavour it suffers –10 Detection.
Ancient and Wise | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
This ship is of a bygone age, having survived many millennia of voyages and adventures. It’s
hull has weakened over the centuries, but it anticipates the needs of its crew, and will move as one with a competent
master. The ship suffers –5 Toughness but gains a +4 bonus to any Pilot Actions it performs (including out
of combat and ramming).
Fleet Bound | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
The ship as seen long action within the Imperium fleets or Mechanus fleet and as taken habits relative to it. Now on it's own the ship is reactions are sometimes out of sink like a lone soldier doing parade ground march on is own, however if this ship should engage within a fleet action it will take on it's own to dictate the right coordinate to the other ships in the fleet for a proper battle maneuver.
-1 to starship's structure for many battle scars, -5 to all ship combat maneuver action when on its own as the ship is eternaly waiting for is formation to catch up, when acting as par of a fleet +5 to all ship combat maneuver and to other ships it as contact with (scrambling will void the benefit to other vessels but not this vessel as it will still know how to react when in thigh formation). When using the ship as a fleet maneuver assistant, the many ships cogitators interacting cause lots of chatter in between ships, rendering stealth and other such actions virtually useless as the enemy is able to detect the many coded transmissions. The ship will also bring 250 achievement points toward en endeavor made in pair with Imperial fleet.
Resolute | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
There is little in the universe that can stagger this vessel. No matter the foe, it will advance slowly but
surely to meet it. The ship suffers –1 Speed, but gains +3 Hull Points and grants a +10 bonus to all Repair Tests.
Wrothful | Machine Spirit Oddity | | | |
The ship’s spirit constantly smoulders with anger. In battle, it explodes into a berserker fury, straining and
exhausting its systems. During combat, the ship gains +1 Speed and +7 Manoeuvrability. Out of combat, the ship
suffers –1 Speed and –5 to Manoeuvrability and Detection.
Jovian Pattern Class 1 Drive | Engine | 0 | -35 | 8 |
The STC standard drive for escort-grade warships.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Lathe Pattern Class 1 Drive | Engine | 1 | -40 | 12 |
The STC standard drive for transports has been extended to
provide additional power in exchange for less available space.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Jovian Pattern Class 2 Drive | Engine | 0 | -45 | 10 |
The STC standard drive for escort-grade warships.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Jovian Pattern Class 3 Drive | Engine | 0 | -60 | 12 |
The STC standard drive for smaller capital-grade warships.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive | Engine | 0 | -75 | 14 |
The STC standard drive for cruiser-grade warships.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Jovian-Pattern "Warcruiser" Drive | Engine | 2 | -65 | 14 |
The Jovian shipyards produce this STC drive sparingly, reserving it for warships that need to meet the extreme power draw of extensive lance armaments.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Jovian Pattern Class 4 Drive - Viper Install | Engine | 4 | -60 | 14 |
The STC standard drive for cruiser-grade warships. As such, this engine should not be installed onto a ship of this size, but it has been.
Spike: Double your ships movement this turn.
Strelov 1 Warp Engine | Warp | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Allows the vessel to enter and remain in the immaterium.
Offline: In combat, the Warp Engine can be taken offline to prevent overload. This also will prevent the crew from using it.
Strelov 2 Warp Engine | Warp | 0 | 12 | 12 |
Allows the vessel to enter and remain in the immaterium.
Offline: In combat, the Warp Engine can be taken offline to prevent overload. This also will prevent the crew from using it.
Experimental Mars Mark VIII Warp Engine | Warp | | 30 | 25 |
The design of the Warp Engine is unlike any other seen in the Imperium. The components that make up the drive is of highest quality and it is much larger than most Warp Engines and consumes much more power.
Slow Bootup: Due to the large power requirements this drive takes 3 times as long to enter the warp.
Precise: The drive can make extremely precise calculations (at a -8 penalty), but allowing the ship to exit the warp in areas that are normally not safe, such as in low orbit of a planet or close to the star. The ship can exit warp into the atmosphere of a planet (at a -10 penalty), but it would be catostrophoc for the area around the ship.
Fast: This engine allows extremely fast Warp travel, or travel over extreme distances. It can reduce the warp travel time to the destination by 2 (no penalty) or by 4 (-8 penalty).
Rare Components: This engine is exceedingly rare. If the engine is knocked offline, it will take an Acquisition roll (at -30%) to acquire the parts to repair the engine.
Offline: In combat, the Warp Engine can be taken offline to prevent overload. This also will prevent the crew from using.
Geller Field | Geller | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Protects the vessel from the myriad dangers of the Immaterium.
Warpsbane Hull | Geller | 2 | 1 | 0 |
The entire hull of the vessel is covered with silver, handinscribed hexagramic wards. These reinforce a Geller Field projected from a 50 metre statue of an Imperial Saint, located just fore of the bridge.
Shield of Faith: Any Navigation Tests to pilot the ship through the warp gain a +2 bonus. When rolling on Table 7-4: Warp Travel Encounters (see page 186), the GM rolls twice and allows the Navigator to chose which result is applied.
Single Void Shield Array | Shield | 0 | 5 | 1 |
A single double-layered void shield. Provides 1 Void Shield.
Recharge: Shields recharge at a rate equal to your ships size modifier (12) per round as long as they are not taking damage. If shields are depleted it takes a full round of no damage to start the recharge.
Spike: Increasing power to this system immediately causes it to regain 6 * Size Modifier (72) shields if it is currently charged or 3 * Size Modifier (36) shields if it is not.
Frequency Modulated Shield Array | Shield | 0 | 5 | 1 |
A single double-layered void shield. Provides 1 Void Shield.
This shield array was specially modified by Torbjab to modulate the frequency to adjust the shields to filter out lance attacks. Once per round, as an action, you can attempt to modulate the frequency to filter out the next rounds lance attacks. Each success on the roll filters out 1 of the lance batteries.
Recharge: Shields recharge at a rate equal to your ships size modifier (12) per round as long as they are not taking damage. If shields are depleted it takes a full round of no damage to start the recharge.
Spike: Increasing power to this system immediately causes it to regain 6 * Size Modifier (72) shields if it is currently charged or 3 * Size Modifier (36) shields if it is not.
Repulsor Shield | Shield | 0 | 6 | 1 |
These standard void shields have had their frequencies adjusted to better brush aside stellar debris and detritus.
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void Shield, giving the ship one void shield.
Charged particle repulsion effect: The ship does not suffer penalties to Manoeuvre Actions when travelling through nebulas, ice rings, plasma clouds or other celestial phenomena consisting primarily of small particles.
Recharge: Shields recharge at a rate equal to your ships size modifier (16) per round as long as they are not taking damage. If shields are depleted it takes a full round of no damage to start the recharge.
Spike: Increasing power to this system immediately causes it to regain 6 * Size Modifier (96) shields if it is currently charged or 3 * Size Modifier (48) shields if it is not.
Castellan Shield | Shield | 2 | 5 | 1 |
Some of the oldest Imperial vessels are blessed with “Castellan” class void shields. These shields are far superior to current void shields, and their multiple banks of fail-safe circuit breakers means they can remain up under far-greater stresses.
Void Shield: This Component counts as a ship’s Void Shield, giving the ship one void shield.
Recharge: Shields recharge at a rate equal to your ships size modifier per round as long as they are not taking damage. If shields are depleted it takes a full round of no damage to start the recharge.
Fail-Safes: Once per Strategic Round, during one opponent’s Strategic Turn, the ship’s Enginseer Prime may make a -2 Tech-Use Test. If he succeeds, the ship doubles its number of Void Shields for the duration of a single opponent’s Strategic Turn. This spends 2 spikes.
Spike: Increasing power to this system immediately causes it to regain 6 * Size Modifier shields if it is currently charged or 3 * Size Modifier shields if it is not.
Armored Command Bridge | Bridge | 0 | 3 | 2 |
The bridges of warships are often reinforced with additional armour plating, to ensure the survival of their occupants.
Reinforced Armour: If this Component takes a Critical Hit or becomes damaged or unpowered, roll 1d10. On a 4 or higher, the component is unharmed.
Bridge: Any excess damage done to this component over the ships toughness is dealt to everyone on the bridge. This component always has 1 health and cannot be 'wrecked'.
M-1.r Life Sustainer (Transports, Raiders, Frigates) | Life | 0 | 3 | 1 |
The life-support system was designed for reliability and does little to remove the stink of oil and warp engine discharge.
Stale Air: Increase all Morale loss by 1.
Damage: Your ship is no longer cycling air. Increase any population loss by 1d10% for future wounds.
Fast Repair: This component can be repaired while your ship is in combat.
M-1.r Life Sustainer (Light Cruisers, Cruisers) | Life | 0 | 4 | 2 |
The life-support system was designed for reliability and does little to remove the stink of oil and warp engine discharge.
Stale Air: Increase all Morale loss by 1.
Damage: Your ship is no longer cycling air. Increase any population loss by 1d10% for future wounds.
Fast Repair: This component can be repaired while your ship is in combat.
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer (Transports, Raiders, Frigates) | Life | 0 | 4 | 2 |
This life sustainer is of STC origins, and is in common use in the Calixis Sector
Damage: Your ship is no longer cycling air. Increase any population loss by 1d10% for future wounds.
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer (Light Cruisers, Cruisers) | Life | 0 | 5 | 3 |
This life sustainer is of STC origins, and is in common use in the Calixis Sector
Damage: Your ship is no longer cycling air. Increase any population loss by 1d10% for future wounds.
Voidsmen Quarters | Quarters | 0 | 1 | 3 |
The ship’s crew is made up of a ‘kin-brotherhood’ of bonded voidsmen. Tenaciously loyal, they see their ship as no different than a homeworld, and will die to defend it.
For Hearth and Home!: All Command Tests to defend against boarding and hit and run actions gain +5. In addition, all sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Pressed-crew Quarters | Quarters | 0 | 1 | 2 |
The masters of this vessel have done little to improve the quarters left from this ship’s Navy days.
Cramped: Decrease Morale permanently by 2.
Bilge-rat Quarters | Quarters | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Most ratings bunk near their posts. However, some captains
insist upon their crew using hammocks and camp beds to sleep
near the core of the vessel, where they are more protected from
the vulnerable decks abutting the cold void. This somewhat
reduces crew casualties in the event of hull breaches, but the
squalid, rat-infested conditions are unpopular with the crew.
Living in Squalor: Reduce Morale permanently by
3. However, reduce all Crew Population losses due to
depressurisation by 2, to a minimum of 0.
Clankin Quarters | Quarters | 1 | 2 | 5 |
The ship’s crew is made up of a ‘kin-brotherhood’ of bonded voidsmen. Tenaciously loyal, they see their ship as no different than a homeworld, and will die to defend it.
For Hearth and Home!: All Command Tests to defend against boarding and hit and run actions gain +5. In addition, all sources of Morale loss are reduced by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Mark-100 Augar Array | Sensor | 0 | 3 | 0 |
The Imperial Navy’s standard sensor array.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
Sensitive: Increased power draw provides a +2 bonus to the ship’s Detection.
Damage: All attacks are reduced by 4. If this system is wrecked, reduce all attacks by a 8 and firing can only be done at the weapon, not in the bridge.
M-201.b Augar Array | Sensor | 0 | 5 | 0 |
A modifed version of the Imperial Navy’s standard sensor array, with boosted wideband gain.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
Sensitive: Increased power draw provides a +2 bonus to the ship’s Detection.
Damage: All attacks are reduced by 4. If this system is wrecked, reduce all attacks by a 8 and firing can only be done at the weapon, not in the bridge.
Deep Void Auger Array | Sensor | 1 | 7 | 0 |
These, quite simply, are the some of the best sensors created by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and are reserved for their own ships and Imperial Naval scout vessels.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
Eye of the Omnissiah: The exceptional sensitivity of the array grants +4 to the ship’s Detection.
Damage: All attacks are reduced by 4. If this system is wrecked, reduce all attacks by a 8 and firing can only be done at the weapon, not in the bridge.
Spy Field Auger Array | Sensor | 1 | 14 | 0 |
The sensors are extremely finely tuned and extremely sensitive. Operating in a distant orbit the Augar Array can scan the surface of every planet in the system and be able to identify specific features on each down to the meter scale, although performing this action would take several hours to days depending on how dense the system is. Additionally this vessel is not more detectable when it is scanning, unlike all other Imperium ships. The sensor can also be specifically tuned to detect Eldar frequencies.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
Eye of the Omnissiah: The exceptional sensitivity of the array grants +4 to the ship’s Detection.
Eldar Stealth Sensor: This vessel is at a +4 bonus to detect Eldar ships.
Damage: All attacks are reduced by 4. If this system is wrecked, reduce all attacks by a 8 and firing can only be done at the weapon, not in the bridge.
Barracks | Barracks | 2 | 2 | 4 |
For a truly enterprising Rogue Trader, a war is just another business venture. These barracks allow him to attempt just that—by flling his ship with thousands of troops.
Soldiers: When working toward a Military objective, the players earn an additional 100 Acheivement Points towards completing that objective.
Reinforcements: If the ship is transporting troops, it gains +20 to all Command Tests involving boarding actions and Hit and Run Actions.
Damage: If this section is damaged, reduce the population of your soldiers by 1d4%.
Munitorium | Munitorium | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Although all ships have a well-armoured room to store their munitions, this facility contains massive stockpiles of weapons, from small arms to macro-cannon warheads.
Well Armed: When working toward a Military objective, the players earn an additional 25 Achievement Points toward completing that objective.
Ordinatus Extremus: All macrobatteries on this ship gain +1 to their listed damage.
Volatile: If this Component is damaged, it explodes. The ship takes 2d5 damage to Hull Integrity, and a Component of the GM’s choice is set on fire.
Damage: Your macrobatteries (Pyros Melta-Cannons) only have 6 more shots each. This component is lost.
Lathe-pattern Landing Bay | Hanger | 2 | 1 | 5 |
Lathe-pattern Landing Bays are characterised by
the huge opening that offers an unobstructed
view of the void. Only the occasional crackle of an energy feld
disrupts the view of the yawning black. Prior to entering the warp,
a vessel equipped with this Component must engage the huge
security hatches to seal off this opening from any view of the warp.
Energy Field: The security hatches on this bay must be
open during the Strategic Turn when small craft are landing
or taking off. If this Component ever loses power when the
hatches are open, this Component becomes Depressurised.
Strength: Can hold 2 active squadrins, and an additional 2 in reserve.
Damage: Any damage done to this component over your ships toughness is dealt to individual ships or tanks in the hanger. No ship can enter or leave the hanger unless patched. This component cannot be 'wrecked' and always has 1 health.
If this component is damaged, the hull is breached and it looses atmosphere.
Cargo hold and Lighter bay | Cargo | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Warships can be converted to haul cargo, but this can often
have an adverse effect on their combat performance.
Hidden Spaces: When working toward a Trade or Criminal
objective, the players earn an additional 50 Achievement
Points toward completing that objective.
Unbalanced: Starships are precisely balanced, something
this modifcation effects, meaning they suffer –3 to
Damage: Any damage done to this component damages whatever is in the hold.
Murder-servitors | Special | 2 | 1 | 1 |
The ship possesses a stock of ancient, skull-faced killing machines. Sealed in cyro-stasis until absolutely required, a mere dozen can be successfully sent on hit and run raids to maim and kill on enemy vessels.
Death-dealers: When used to conduct a Hit and Run Action, this enhancement provides a +20 bonus to the opposed Command Test.
Precise: When determining the Critical Hit inflicted by a Hit and Run Action they participated in, the character conducting the raid may select any result between 1 and 6, rather than rolling.
Trophy Room | Special | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Few Rogue Traders can resist cataloguing their
accomplishments. This is more than hubris–such trophies can
awe competitors, or may hold secrets long lost.
Past Experiences: When working toward an Exploration,
Trade, or Criminal objective, the players earn an additional
50 Achievement Points toward completing that objective.
Broadband Hymn-Casters | Hymn-Casters | 1 | 3 | 0 |
Broadcast towers flood all frequencies with deafening hymns to the God-Emperor, jamming communications and terrifying enemies. Heathen or renegade ships have been known to use similar systems, though the nature of their ‘hymns’ is very different.
Deafening: If this system is activated, all other ships must make a Difficult (–10) Tech Use Test in order to use vox or other broadcast communications while within 30 VUs of this vessel.
Terrifying: When this system is activated, characters aboard this vessel gain +10 on all Intimidate Tests against all ships within 30 VUs.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a critical hit.
Spike: The frequency doesn't just deafen the enemies systems, but actively shuts one down. A successful attack with this system (Repair / Tech Use vs Hack Hardiness) causes the one of the systems to shut down.
Damage: If this component takes damage, it is offline and cannot be re-enabled.
Librarium Vault | Librarium Vault | 1 | 1 | 1 |
An ancient collection of writings and manuscripts has been collected aboard this vessel.
Accumulated Data: Any Investigation Skill Tests made aboard this ship gains +2.
Damage: This component is lost if damaged.
Empyrean Mantle | Special | 2 | 5 | 0 |
Most dirt-dwellers would find the idea of hiding something as large as a starship to be ridiculous. Of course, most dirt-dwellers have no idea just how utterly vast space is. With the right energy baffles and screens to diffuse and mask energy signatures, a ship can become nothing more than a hole in the void.
Shadow in the Void: When travelling on Silent Running, all Tests to detect this vessel have their Difficulty increased by two degrees. When completing a Criminal objective, the players earn an additional 50 Endeavour Points.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
Auxiliary Plasma Banks | Plasma Banks | 1 | -10 | 6 |
A ship’s drive can produce more power if equipped with extra banks of plasma generation and containment systems. Of course, there is a danger associated with housing additional hab-block sized containers of plasma aboard a starship.
Volatile Power: This Component generates power, rather than requiring it. If this Component is ever damaged, the ship containing it takes 1d5 damage directly to Hull Integrity, and its plasma drive is set on fire.
Damage: If this component takes damage, it catches fire, goto fire control rules.
“Storm” Drop Pod Launch Bays | Launch Bays | 2 | 1 | 3 |
Honeycomb launch structures cluster along the vessel’s keel, ready to spit drop pods full of assault forces on helpless planets below.
Steel Rain: When working towards a Military objective, the players earn an additional 50 Endeavour Points towards completing that objective.
Drop Pod Deployment: The players may use drop pods (see page 182). The “Storm” design is equipped to hold 20 pods, although it may only launch 10 every 30 minutes or so (in other words, it may launch 10 pods every Strategic Turn). The pods must be recovered from the planet’s surface before being reused.
Damage: Reduce the amount of drop-pods that your ship has by 1d6. This component cannot be 'wrecked' and retains 1 health (unless all pods are destroyed).
Tenebro-Maze | Special | 2 | 2 | 3 |
The interior of the ship is a maze of passageways, blind compartments, and triple-sealed pressure-hatches. Enemy boarding parties become quickly lost and separated, while the defenders spring cunning ambushes from behind hololithic bulkheads.
Hidden sally-ports: This ship gains +10 to all Command Tests when defending against boarding actions and Hit and Run Actions.
Incomprehensible Layout: When a component is hit roll 3 times, the Rogue Trader crew can determine which component takes damage.
Crew Reclamation Facility | Special | 1 | 1 | 1 |
The Mechanicus has no qualms about converting the grievously wounded into servitors...but the rest of the crew may differ in opinion.
Recycling: Reduce all losses of Crew Population by 3, to a minimum of 1. Increase all losses to Morale by 1.
Luxury Passenger Quarters | Cargo | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Comfortable quarters for passengers earn Thrones—and
make for jealous crew.
Paying Customers: When working toward a Trade,
Criminal, or Creed objective, the players earn an additional
100 Achievement Points towards completing that objective.
Class Division: Decrease Morale permanently by 3.
Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor | Special | 1 | 1 | 1 |
A section of this ship has been set aside to offer prayer and
praises to the Master of Mankind.
Inspiration: Increase Morale permanently by 3.
Awe of the God Emperor: When working toward a Creed
objective, the players earn an additional 100 Achievement
Points toward completing that objective.
Observation Dome | Special | 0 | 1 | 1 |
A gigantic observation dome made of diamond panes
and armoured glass adorns this vessel’s spine, allowing an
unrestricted view of the surrounding void.
Engraved Star-charts: When working towards an
Exploration objective, the players earn an additional 50
Achievement Points towards completing that objective.
Cure for Claustrophobia: Increase Morale permanently by 1.
Medicae Deck | Special | 1 | 2 | 1 |
A life of exploration invariably leads to encounters with
unexpected life. This unexpected life can lead to unexpected
injuries as well as novel diseases. Every living quarters includes
a basic infrmary, but those are not equipped for every variety
of injury or disease. Similarly, an infrmary is not equipped
to treat the number of badly injured survivors from a badly
damaged ship or planet-wide epidemic. A Medicae Deck offers
the facilities and staff to address both of these possibilities.
Diagnostics and Treatment: The Medicae Deck adds a +20
bonus to all Medicae Skill Tests performed within this Component.
The number of patients that may be treated without penalty is
increased to three times the character’s Intelligence Bonus.
Extended Supply Vaults | Special | 2 | 1 | 4 |
Extensive supply stowage allows the vessel to make longer
journeys and better repair damage.
Extensive Stores: Double the time a ship may remain at void
without suffering Crew Population or Morale loss. When
making Extended Repairs, repair 1 additional Hull Integrity.
Plenty for All: Increase Morale permanently by 1.
Melodium | Special | 1 | 1 | 1 |
For the Rogue Trader who desires only the finest in shipboard
accoutrements, a Melodium is ideal. Most are fashioned as
grandiose chambers covered with all manner of gilded pipes,
horns, and other instruments which can produce an endless
variety of musical tunes. The room itself alters shape via clever
brass sidings and panels as it plays, the better to accompany
the melodies and vox-repeaters throughout the ship carry
selected tunes into its farthest depths.
A Melodium provides uplifting tones designed to instil
feelings of duty and loyalty throughout the vessel, from the lowly
ratings and voidmen to the offcers. That sometimes this is due to
subliminal infra-harmonics lacing the melodies is kept a guarded
secret. The hall itself can be confgured in a variety of ways
to produce the desired internal music and background
effects, greatly aiding in many a diffcult negotiation.
Songs in the Void: Increase Morale permanently
by +1 and gain +10 to all social Skill Tests.
Xenos Habitats | Cargo | 1 | 2 | 1 |
Dealing with xenos is dire heresy to the Imperium—not that
a Rogue Trader would let that stand in the way of profit.
Quarters that can simulate the environments of alien worlds
can further facilitate relations.
Comfortable atmosphere: All Charm and Inquiry Tests
made with xenos aboard this vessel gain a +10 bonus. All
Objectives for Endeavours involving non-hostile dealings
with xenos races gain an additional 50 Achievement Points.
Suspicious: Most Imperial citizens are taught from birth to
distrust the xenos. Decrease the ship’s Morale permanently by 2.
Reinforced Prow (Transports, Raiders, Frigates) | Special | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Though not as imposing as the titanic adamantium beaks
of cruisers, a reinforced prow can offer crucial protection to
smaller vessels, or any ship that wishes to mount forwardfacing weaponry.
Adamantine Plates: This ship gains +2 Toughness in its front arc
only. This ship also does 1d5 additional damage when ramming.
Reinforced Prow (Light Cruisers, Cruisers) | Special | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Though not as imposing as the titanic adamantium beaks
of cruisers, a reinforced prow can offer crucial protection to
smaller vessels, or any ship that wishes to mount forwardfacing weaponry.
Adamantine Plates: This ship gains +2 Toughness in its front arc
only. This ship also does 1d5 additional damage when ramming.
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads (Transports, Raiders, Frigates) | Special | 2 | 0 | 2 |
Additional adamantine plates in key locations make this vessel
hard to destroy.
Hard to Breach: Add +2 to Toughness
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads (Light Cruisers, Cruisers) | Special | 1 | 0 | 3 |
Additional adamantine plates in key locations make this vessel
hard to destroy.
Hard to Breach: Add +2 to Toughness
Minelayer Bay | Special | 1 | 1 | 4 |
An often-used tactic among pirate fleets is to strew a heavily trafficked shipping lane with mines, and then pounce on any unfortunate ship crippled by their massive explosions. Starship mines are huge and can explode with catastrophic effect. Most are automatically triggered via an on-board passive auspex to home in on nearby vessels, but some can be remotely operated to achieve greater effectiveness. For starships plying common transit lanes through a system, they are a frequent worry that requires constant vigilance.
Minefield Ahead!:
When acquired, the Minelayer Bay Component contains enough mines for 3 deployments, with an Upkeep Test at a suitable port required to re-equip with a new complement of mines. A successful -4 Tech Use Test can deploy mines in a spread covering an area 4 VUs wide, deep, and high behind the ship; this can also be done as an Extended Action while in combat (such as in a Stern Chase!). To prevent mines from accidentally setting each other off, the fields cannot be set to overlap.
A minefield reacts to a vessel inside its boundaries by
making a Notice Test with 1d6!+2 for every size category above an 8. The mines suffer a –4 penalty if the vessel is on Silent Running. If the mines detect a vessel, they strike it with 1d6!+2 explosive hits, with this test being done each round the vessel is in the feld. Each hit deals 6d10 damage, and the hits are combined as though from a macrobattery salvo. Armour and void shields protects against mines as normal.
Mines are too small to be located via normal
Detection; an Active Augury Extended Action reveals
any minefelds in within 10 VUs but immediately causes
1d6!+2 detonations if the vessel is already within a field.
Mines can also be detonated remotely with a
Tech-Use Test if the activating ship
is no more than 10 VUs distant. This instantly causes
all mines to explode, causing 1d10! hits to any vessel
within 1 VU of the minefeld and emptying the field, but
revealing the activating vessel even if the test fails. If the
Minelayer Bay contains unused mines and is Damaged,
there is a 50% chance the bay is Destroyed. The vessel
takes one Critical Hit; roll 1d10 to determine the result.
Hydraphurian KL-247 Jamming System | Special | 1 | 4 | 0 |
This device creates a violent and constantly shifting energy field that interferes with the scanners of nearby ships.
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
White Noise: While this Component is active, this ship may not perform Silent Running, but any Focussed Augury Tests made to scan it suffer a -4 penalty.
Plasma Scoop (Raider, Frigate) | Special | 3 | 2 | 3 |
These devices are usually only found on the specialised mining vessels designed purely for entering the atmospheres of gas giants to collect fuel for plasma drives. They can be fitted on other craft with suitable hull bracing to withstand the additional strain they place on atmospheric entry.
Fuel Gathering: A ship equipped with a Plasma Scoop may conduct attempt mining operations on gas giant planets. This requires a Manoeuvrability Test -4; failure means the ship takes 1d6 component damage for every degree of failure, ignoring Void Shields (the deadly embrace of gravity does not care about shield barriers!). Success grants the ship a month’s operations without needing to refuel, and +5 Achievement Points on any Endeavour Objective that requires the ship to move or transport something (Trade Endeavours or Exploration Endeavours are obvious examples), as the ship saves Thrones on refuelling.
Plasma Scoop (Light Cruiser, Cruiser) | Special | 3 | 3 | 4 |
These devices are usually only found on the specialised mining vessels designed purely for entering the atmospheres of gas giants to collect fuel for plasma drives. They can be fitted on other craft with suitable hull bracing to withstand the additional strain they place on atmospheric entry.
Fuel Gathering: A ship equipped with a Plasma Scoop may conduct attempt mining operations on gas giant planets. This requires a Manoeuvrability Test -4; failure means the ship takes 1d6 component damage for every degree of failure, ignoring Void Shields (the deadly embrace of gravity does not care about shield barriers!). Success grants the ship a month’s operations without needing to refuel, and +5 Achievement Points on any Endeavour Objective that requires the ship to move or transport something (Trade Endeavours or Exploration Endeavours are obvious examples), as the ship saves Thrones on refuelling.
Superstructure | Superstructure | 0 | 0 | -20 | |
Port Pyros Melta-Cannons (Broadside) | Weapon | 2 | 4 | 3 |
These squat, oversized, and highly insulated macrocannon are designed specifically to fire shells tipped with powerful melta-charges that detonate with furious heat.
Inferno: Whenever this Weapon Component inflicts a Critical Hit, it is automatically a Fire! Critical.
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired a second time in this round.
Damage: Reduce damage caused by this component by 1 die.
Starboard Pyros Melta-Cannons (Broadside) | Weapon | 2 | 4 | 3 |
These squat, oversized, and highly insulated macrocannon are designed specifically to fire shells tipped with powerful melta-charges that detonate with furious heat.
Inferno: Whenever this Weapon Component inflicts a Critical Hit, it is automatically a Fire! Critical.
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired a second time in this round.
Damage: Reduce damage caused by this component by 1 die.
Sunhammer Lance Battery | Weapon | 2 | 13 | 4 |
Narrowing the focus aperture on the STC Titanforge allowed the Lathes to boost range without unduly decreasing its power.
A single Sunhammer lance proved successful enough that they have also been constructed in batteries.
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired a second time in this round.
Damage: Reduce damage caused by this component by 1 die.
Torbjab-Pattern Nova Cannon | Weapon | | 17 | 14 |
A Nova Cannon is a weapon of great size and destructive power used by ships of the Imperial Navy which propels explosive projectiles close to the speed of light.
Inaccurate: This component takes a -4 to shooting rolls.
Slow: Due to the enormous power requirements, this weapon can only fire every third round.
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired next round round.
Damage: Reduce damage caused by this component by 1 die.
Titanforge Lance Battery | Weapon | 2 | 13 | 6 |
The Titanforge Lances are an STC standard for lance
weaponry, found on naval warships throughout the Calixis
Sector. On larger vessels, multiple lances may be mounted in a
set of gargantuan turrets (not to be confused with the smaller
defence turrets).
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired a second time in this round.
Damage: Reduce damage caused by this component by 1 die.
Mars Pattern Macrocannon | Weapon | 1 | 4 | 2 |
The most common macrobattery, these are reliable, hardhitting weapons fring kilo-tonne ordinance, mounted along
the vessel’s dorsal ridge or in broadside.
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired a second time in this round.
Shard Cannon Battery | Weapon | 2 | 0 | 3 |
The xenos race that created these weapons has long since vanished from the galaxy. Many examples of their technology remain, however. Designated ‘shard’ weaponry by xenotech scholars, their shipboard cannons do not seem to require power or even ammunition. Theories abound as to how they operate but none has been proven, as every attempt to disassemble one has resulted in catastrophic failure.
Unknown Energy Source: This Component may not become unpowered for any reason. If it is ever destroyed, its ship takes 2d6! component damage, with no reduction from Armour or Shields.
Torpedo Tube (4 x Fixed-Linked) | Weapon | 2 | 2 | 2 |
While it is cheap to build Torpedo Tubes you still need to acquire Torpedos. See the specific Torpedo components for damage and range.
Spike: Increasing power to this system will cause it to refresh, allowing to be fired a second time in this round.
4 x Medium Linked-Fixed Ion Cannon | | | | 4 | |
4 x Medium Dual-Linked Auto-Cannon (Turret) | | | | 2 | |
Plasma Warhead | Torpedo | 0 | 0 | 0 |
These explosives are the standard armament for Imperial torpedoes.
These systems are designed to blast through a spaceship’s armoured
hull, using their high speed to punch deep into the target vessel.
The plasma reactor that powers a torpedo’s drive forces it deep
into the bowels of the ship and then overloads, contributing to the
fury of the warhead’s detonation. This reduces complexity, making
their manufacture comparatively simple. Thus, these torpedoes are
the staple of Imperial Navy warships.
Voss-pattern Torpedo Tube | Weapon | 2 | 2 | 2 |
The Voss Forge world is known for the “Voss Triumvirate”
three different designs of light cruisers designed as heavy
escorts for ships of the line and large convoys, as well as the
smaller Falchion-class escort. Most Voss-pattern ships are
armed with a pair of Torpedo Tubes to complement their other
weaponry. These tubes are capable of fring two torpedoes in
each salvo. It can store 12 torpedoes, plus an additional two if
the ship’s captain does not mind keeping two “in the tubes.”
Volatile: If this Component is Damaged or Destroyed (but not
Unpowered or Depressurised) while torpedoes are loaded, it has
a 10 percent chance of exploding. In this event, the Component
is destroyed and the ship takes 2d5 Hull Integrity damage.
Las-burners | Weapon | 2 | 7 | 3 |
Las-burners are a scaled down version of true lances,
utilising focused, high power las beams to cut through a
ship’s armoured plating. Though these weapons do far less
damage, the turrets are smaller as well, allowing smaller
ships to carry them. However, their relatively small size also
allows them to be used in boarding actions, cutting open
the outer adamantium hull to allow armsmen access to an
opponent’s vitals.
Small Weapon: Las-burners may be installed in Dorsal
or Keel weapon capacity slots in ships of frigate size or
Versatile: A ship with Las-burners gains +5 to the opposed
Command Test made to resolve boarding actions.
Voss-pattern Torpedo Tube (Falchoin) | Weapon | 0 | 1 | 0 |
The Voss Forge world is known for the “Voss Triumvirate”
three different designs of light cruisers designed as heavy
escorts for ships of the line and large convoys, as well as the
smaller Falchion-class escort. Most Voss-pattern ships are
armed with a pair of Torpedo Tubes to complement their other
weaponry. These tubes are capable of fring two torpedoes in
each salvo. It can store 12 torpedoes, plus an additional two if
the ship’s captain does not mind keeping two “in the tubes.”
Volatile: If this Component is Damaged or Destroyed (but not
Unpowered or Depressurised) while torpedoes are loaded, it has
a 10 percent chance of exploding. In this event, the Component
is destroyed and the ship takes 2d5 Hull Integrity damage.
Torpedo Specialist: The Falchion has been designed
as a torpedo gunship. The Falchion’s Prow weapon slot is
occupied by a Voss-pattern Torpedo Tube Component. This
Component may not be removed, and has half the usual
ammunition capacity. The space required is already taken into
account, but when this ship is constructed, it must provide
one power to this Component.
Plasma Accelerated Torpedo Tubes | Weapon | 2 | 2 | 6 |
In the early days of the Imperium, certain Forge worlds produced weapons and starship components of a quality now lost to mankind, and torpedoes were no exception. “Plasma accelerated” torpedo tubes refer to a type of torpedo launch system, rather than a specific pattern. These weapon systems utilize plasma from the ship’s drives to “hot launch” the torpedoes, while integral guidance systems constantly update target profiles to the torpedoes’ machine spirits. They are even safer than their counterparts, with multiple reinforced adamantium-alloy blast hatches. This component can store sixteen torpedoes, plus an additional four if the ship’s captain does not mind keeping four “in the tubes.” This follows all the rules for torpedo tubes.
Hot Launch: Torpedoes launched from this Component gain an additional +4 VU speed on the turn they are launched, after which they revert to normal.
Augur Accuracy: Torpedoes launched from this Component gain a +2 bonus to hit.
Volatile: If this Component is Damaged or Destroyed (but not Unpowered or Depressurised) while torpedoes are loaded, it has a 5% chance of exploding. In this event, the Component is destroyed and the ship takes the damage of the warhead bypassing shields.
This component is considered 4 x Torpedo Tube, Fixed, Linked
Brig | Special | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Though almost any ship has a brig, some vessels have more
elaborate facilities. Some brigs are flthy, open chambers
where prisoners sit enchained in squalor, their jailers only
visiting every few days to hose down the gutters and release
the dead bodies into the void. Others are spotlessly effcient
walled off oubliettes where the occupants live in maddening
solitary confnement for years at a time.
Stern Discipline: Increase Morale permanently by 1. In
addition, any Intimidate Tests made during Extended Actions
gain a +5 bonus.
Prison Space: When working towards any objective in which
the capture, storage, or transport of prisoners could be useful
(such as the creation of a penal colony or holding prisoners of
war during a military campaign) the Explorers earn an additional
25 Achievement Points towards completing that objective.
Damage: In order to minimize breakouts, the brig is designed to completely vent atmosphere if damaged. This effectively kills off everyone in the brig.